brewers yeast for horses can I feed my ducks it?

I have 5 ducklings white campbells 2 1/2 weeks old, would 2 tablespoons a day be about right, 5mg per spoon?
I have 5 ducklings white campbells 2 1/2 weeks old, would 2 tablespoons a day be about right, 5mg per spoon?
What kind of feed do they usually get? If I remember correctly, I used 1 tbsp of yeast for every 1 cup of food, so whatever that works out to be for you.
What kind of feed do they usually get? If I remember correctly, I used 1 tbsp of yeast for every 1 cup of food, so whatever that works out to be for you.
Allen and Page Small Holder Baby Chick Crumbs
it does contain yeast and other's say they use it for ducks, I add extra because I'm not too sure it thats enough for ducks.

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