Broken leg or joint


Apr 28, 2024
I have a 6 month old white leg horn hen that was somehow injured is unable to put weight on her leg. It’s just hanging when she is picked up. It's just a totally limp leg. She's eating, grooming and walking on one leg some. She doesn’t seem to be in pain. I’m worried it’s more than a broken leg. I read a similar post that was basically the same situation even the same kind of chicken. I have attached videos. I don’t know what the red mark on the top of the foot is. I thought the leg below the joint was broken and cleaned it up, but after getting it under a magnifying glass, it didn’t appear to be the issue. I put some support on it for a bit to help her. This is my first batch of babies that I raised, so I’m a rookie. I am just waiting and watching at this point Any advice is appreciated. She does seem a little better than yesterday.

I would confine her in a crate with food and water near her. It looks like she may have broken the foot, but she could have pecked or injured it. The big worry at her age when lameness happens is Mareks disease. The red mark makes a fracture more plausible. Splinting can be done with padding, a finger splint or popsicle sticks and vet wrap or tape. Don’t wrap it too tight or she can end up with a dead foot if circulation is cut off. Vet wrap can slip and tissue swells, so check circulation often. Look for green bruising tomorrow.
Thank you for the reply. I hadn’t thought about the foot. Would the hanging leg be a factor in a broken foot?

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