Brooder Heat Lamp

Thanks for your reply. I have been hearing that I should at least get three. I suppose if I can accommodate two, I can accommodate three. I live in the Mojave in California, the summers here get high 90s and the winters mid 30s sometimes. I was thinking of getting some speckled Sussex or some rhode island Reds. As for the bulb, I hear that I should only get the red kind because it calms them down. My house is usually around 70 to 75 degrees during the day, we'd keep them in the garage which might get up to 80 degrees because it of course doesn't have AC. so a red 60w is what I want?
Worry less about the color than the wattage -- lower wattage red bulbs can be difficult to find and ridiculously overpriced. I'd get a 60 and a 40 and be ready to pull the plug if they are avoiding it and panting.
Oh okay, i ended up getting a 100W red light and suspending it. but they keep huddling together so I've been moving it closer closer to the cage and they still cuddle up. I realized I forgot to get the reflective lamp cover things. So i bought one today and will install in as soon as I'm done typing this. I'll keep a close eye on them till i see that they are comfortable
Do use a red 75 watt and if the chicks start crowding under it, it doesn't mean you need more watts. Just lower the lamp an inch or too until they are spread out in the light. If they are never under the bulb and are trying to avoid it they are too hot. All you have to do is raise the lamp.
New to this how far should I keep the heat lamp from the little chicks. There I'd say 3 to 4 weeks old my kid brought them home from School so learning
Transition period.   Don't move them from 75 inside air to 40 outside air in one step.

There are a number of ways to do this.  Move them to an attached garage at 5 weeks, as attached garages are typically warmer than outside, but cooler than inside.  Or, string an exterior extension cord out to the coop and finish their brooding out there.  That's probably the best way.   Only give them the heat lamp at night. During the day time, it will likely be in the 50F or 60F and they won't need any heat at all during the day, not at 5 weeks, as they'll be feathered out.

Raise the heat lamp at night after week 5 for the remainder of weeks 6 and possibly 7.  Then?  That's it.  They're on their own.  Better to allow them to adjust to 40 degrees at night while there is still time.   They'll actually improve their feathering faster.  It's true.  Fall chicks need to be pushed into cool weather as fast as you can.  Toughen them up.  The real stuff is coming and they will get ready and be ready, as long as you don't pamper them in October and November.  
I have 3week old chickens and I read I need to lower the thep by 5a week.. the chicks are in a tote with a heat lamp clamped on the do I lower the temp?

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