Broodies all the time!


8 Years
Nov 12, 2015
Portland, Oregon
I have 15 chickens and 3 coops. They all have their preferred night perch and laying box. I seem to have one or two broodies ALL the time. Not like I've been spraying hormones around or anything :) . I've had chickens for 10 years, a broodie here or there, but this last 5 or 6 months...gawd. No one is raising chicks, can't have roosters in the city where I live.
Doing the usual separation and sometimes in the cage when needed. Their diet is the normal layer feed supplemented with greens and sometimes corn. I never seen so much broodie action!! Augh! Anyone have this experience?
I've been have the same issue with a couple of my girls for the past two years. I put them in broody jail when they go broody, but they still are going broody once a month and are taking turns. For one, I know she has some hormones (and possibly mental) issues, but on the other, it's probably just her breed. Both are Olive Eggers and both are determined to brood. I am finally going to allow one to hatch some chicks, so hopefully that'll keep her occupied for awhile.

What breeds are they? How often do you collect the eggs? For some, they just have to sit. There's nothing you did or they got exposed to that changed them. Keeping the broody jail always ready for them might be your only option other than rehoming them to someone who will let them brood.
Thank you Lacy, the moral support is the best on this site! One is an Olive Egger, the other is a Rhode Island Red who is about 5 years old, lays fairly regularly and has never been broodie until now. As mentioned, we won't be hatching here. My fuss is over moving the broodies so others can lay. There is one coop area VERY popular....the more docile girls are pacing....
For one, I know she has some hormones (and possibly mental) issues,

I have one like that. Broody almost all summer. And always a little off and grouchy!

I have plenty of space right now but I recently put my 3 in broody jail and so far it's been a nice break.

Can you add some temporary space? Plastic cat litter buckets work great. I cut the lid at the hinge and it makes a little rim so the pine shavings don't fall out.
Thank you for the suggestion for additional space. They do have numerous places where a few have discovered a little private spot here and there, so I provided the shavings and voila!

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