Broody 1 week before chicks arrive

Hope your babies arrive loud and hungry! What breeds are ya expecting? Did your vacation rental egg collection thing work out well?[/QUOTE]

I hope so too! Last year they made it from Ohio to the mountains of Southern California in 26 hours from the time I got the shipping notification. Somehow our regional PO hubs align for a fast shipping experience.

We are expecting one White Austra, which is a cross between a white leghorn and a Black Australorp she should be mostly white with some black spots her name is Hedwig
1 Black Australorp
1 Exchequer Leghorn
1 Lakeshore egger which is supposed to be a blue or green egglayer. This was the first time I saw them on the website they are a cross of some sort not sure why not labeled EE?
And a Meyer meal maker

Names mostly unassigned but they are Hedwig, Popcorn, Lucky Number Eleven and Number Twelve.
11&12 my idea to try and get my daughters on board with rotating chickens OUT as well as in. This brings us to 12 which is my self imposed max and over the max allowed by the county. I have told the kids that we need to move 3-4 on by Fall so we can get chicks next spring. They are already sad about who will go and I am softening my resolve.

Vacation rental coop.... Well its on my mind, too much going on there right now we are building a guest house this year. But its a possibility should I ever have to spread out the flock to keep the numbers legal...

Its looking good so far... Fluffy is settled in, like in a trance settled.. She is sitting on the wood eggs in the brooder and seems serious about it. I am expecting the new chicks on Tuesday, I will put them in a temporary brooder with the heat plate when I bring them home then put them under Fluffy after dark. I will be watching the brooder cam and be close by should she reject them. Hoping for the best....

Its looking good so far... Fluffy is settled in, like in a trance settled.. She is sitting on the wood eggs in the brooder and seems serious about it. I am expecting the new chicks on Tuesday, I will put them in a temporary brooder with the heat plate when I bring them home then put them under Fluffy after dark. I will be watching the brooder cam and be close by should she reject them. Hoping for the best....

Pic of broody in brooder?
Do you have easy access/reach to add the chicks?
Pic of broody in brooder?
Do you have easy access/reach to add the chicks?

I will get a pic, the brooder is easy access built in to the coop above the nest box. I am more concerned at this point how the chicks will integrate into the coop from there its a good 3 feet off the ground. I could move them all to the chicken jail/broody buster (after covering the wire bottom and adding shavings) which is at ground level at some point. Or maybe some ramps... Details details...

I could move them all to the chicken jail/broody buster (after covering the wire bottom and adding shavings) which is at ground level at some point. Or maybe some ramps... Details details...
Keep them in the brooder for a few days to week, then yes to chicken jail for a day or two, then open the door and let broody take care of the rest.
Might want to set up a creep feeder, a place where only the chicks can get into to eat and drink. I need to do that tomorrow in prep for letting the broody and her chicks have access to the main coop and flock.
Gary, my friend Beekissed blocks her broody into a dark nest for 24 hours when she moves her. Usually, that will keep her settled. If you have the option of putting a dark cover over your broody pen, that might do the trick. Wish you the best.
Gary, my friend Beekissed blocks her broody into a dark nest for 24 hours when she moves her. Usually, that will keep her settled. If you have the option of putting a dark cover over your broody pen, that might do the trick. Wish you the best.

The deed is done, she is moved. Its not dark because it is in a window, I did cover one of the doors with feedbags to give her some privacy. She settled in the day after the move.

I sure hope she adopts the babies:)


Its not dark because it is in a window, I did cover one of the doors with feedbags to give her some privacy
They really don't need darkness or 'privacy' long as they feel safe.

Ugh, my feedstore was out of chick starter and I went somewhere else and got what I thought was chick starter... Turns out it is for meat birds. 22.5% protein and 6% fat, the fat worries me I guess I will be making a trip off the mountain monday.

You could always switch to an 'all flock' type of feed.

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