
Apr 27, 2024
My sweet Ayam Cemani hen decided that December was a great month to become a first time mom. I found her sitting on 5 eggs and within a few more days, she was sitting on a total of 9 eggs! I candled them, thinking I would only find 3-4 to be fertilized. However, all 9 had developing chicks inside! I have 12 hens and currently have 2 roosters- 1 Ayam Cemani and 1 Old English Bantam. Upon further inspection, I realized that mom was sitting on random eggs of different colors and sizes. As of the day after Christmas, 5 have successfully hatched! So far 2 are definitely from my barred rock hen, while 2 are bantam cochen/silkie cross (I had a a 3rd silkie roo at the time but re-homed him just after this miracle happened without my knowledge)…lol!
Sadly, one barred rock baby did not make it 🥹 but she is being a great mom and has been faithfully caring for the 4 babies and 4 additional unhatched eggs - recandled today and looks like 3 will be pipping anytime now while 1 looks to possibly be naturally halted in development.

Here are my Happy New Year babies so far! I hope you enjoy the photos. I will post the others once they arrive.


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I’m new here (at least newly activated…account since last April)…
How may I edit a post? My emoji is too happy for my baby that didn’t make it 🥲

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