Broody Hen Thread!

I had an interesting experience with a broody today. My Crested Cream Legbar went broody and I had just hatched eggs a week before. I decided to try her with the chicks and she adopted them. She is a great mom, even in the extreme wind on Thursday, she keeps her babies warm. This is such an easy way to integrate chicks into the flock.

Well, today I decided to try the same tactic with 2 other hens who seemed to be broody. They accepted the chicks, but after several hours I heard them crying. Blanche immediately entered the coop and jumped up to the nestbox with the crying chicks, and sat on them. she even had her own in there with them. Eventually, 2 of the day olds fell out of the nest box so Blanche went to her broody nest box which is on the floor, and tried to convince the new chicks that they could get in with her. I went down and pulled them out because I don't think she would be able to handle having the 2 ages together. She sure was determined to take care of those orphans. I guess some broodies are not really broody!


Can anybody tell me if this is what I'm looking for? It's my first attempt

Can anybody tell me if this is what I'm looking for? It's my first attempt
Its a clear egg---Not sure what you looking for. If you been incubating it for a week or so----its not any good. What are you looking for???? Get a toilet tissue tube---fix it where your light shines through it---none around it----stick the egg on top---you got a egg Candler!!
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Yea I had one set and had her first two chicks lost her and one chick along with over 20 hens so I was decimated I have now 14 day olds and her one on my second incubation trying to get my flock reestablished

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