So, I went out to check on the chickens because we had a lot of snow over the night. When I got out there, this is the first thing I saw in the nesting box.
Her wings are down, and she is obviously trying to keep something warm. I thought she was laying on an egg, but it turns out she’s laying on two golf balls. When I reached under her to check, I could feel pinfeathers on her breast. I think she’s been plucking out some feathers from that area.
I think she is broody, but what do you guys think? If she is, is there anything I should do to deal with this behavior? Is it unhealthy for the chicken to do this when there is no rooster around?
Maybe she’s doing this because of all the snow we got she’s trying to keep the eggs warm, I don’t know.
She is a Barred Plymouth Rock, by the way. 32 weeks 6 days old.
Any advice will be appreciated,
Her wings are down, and she is obviously trying to keep something warm. I thought she was laying on an egg, but it turns out she’s laying on two golf balls. When I reached under her to check, I could feel pinfeathers on her breast. I think she’s been plucking out some feathers from that area.
I think she is broody, but what do you guys think? If she is, is there anything I should do to deal with this behavior? Is it unhealthy for the chicken to do this when there is no rooster around?
Maybe she’s doing this because of all the snow we got she’s trying to keep the eggs warm, I don’t know.
She is a Barred Plymouth Rock, by the way. 32 weeks 6 days old.
Any advice will be appreciated,