Broody hen?


Free Ranging
8 Years
Feb 16, 2017
Dietrich, Idaho
So, I went out to check on the chickens because we had a lot of snow over the night. When I got out there, this is the first thing I saw in the nesting box.


Her wings are down, and she is obviously trying to keep something warm. I thought she was laying on an egg, but it turns out she’s laying on two golf balls. When I reached under her to check, I could feel pinfeathers on her breast. I think she’s been plucking out some feathers from that area.

I think she is broody, but what do you guys think? If she is, is there anything I should do to deal with this behavior? Is it unhealthy for the chicken to do this when there is no rooster around?

Maybe she’s doing this because of all the snow we got she’s trying to keep the eggs warm, I don’t know.

She is a Barred Plymouth Rock, by the way. 32 weeks 6 days old.

Any advice will be appreciated,

Hi! She is definitely broody! Some things you can do are dip her belly in cold water, remove the golf balls and put wood over her “nest”! Being broody is overall a bad thing. (It’s VERY COMMEN and happens a lot). This is because they don’t drink,eat, move, etc. The only time it’s good is if you want chicks! I hope this helped and feel free to reach out and I can awnser more questions!!!
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I could feel pinfeathers on her breast. I think she’s been plucking out some feathers from that area.
Yes, they will do that so their skin is in contact with the egg, keeping them warmer.
what do you guys think
She’s definitely broody!
is there anything I should do to deal with this behavior?
If u don't want chicks, you could break her broodiness.
Is it unhealthy for the chicken to do this when there is no rooster around?
Nope! Theres nothing 'wrong' with being broody, with or without a rooster. It’s just hormones, causing her to want to incubate eggs.
Hi! She is definitely broody! Some things you can do are dip her belly in cold water, remove the golf balls and put wood over her “nest”! Being broody is overall a bad thing. This is because they don’t drink,eat, move, etc. The only time it’s good is if you want chicks! I hope this helped and feel free to reach out and I can awnser more questions!!!

That’s good to know. I’ll start with removing the golf balls.

Yes, they will do that so their skin is in contact with the egg, keeping them warmer.

She’s definitely broody!

If u don't want chicks, you could break her broodiness.

Nope! Theres nothing 'wrong' with being broody, with or without a rooster. It’s just hormones, causing her to want to incubate eggs.

This is all good information, but I don’t have a rooster. I also don’t want chicks. As I said before, I’m gonna try to remove the golf balls. If this doesn’t break her broodiness, I’ll come back and ask for more advice.

Thank you both.
That’s good to know. I’ll start with removing the golf balls.

This is all good information, but I don’t have a rooster. I also don’t want chicks. As I said before, I’m gonna try to remove the golf balls. If this doesn’t break her broodiness, I’ll come back and ask for more advice.

Thank you both.
Ofc! Glad you figured that out!!!
That’s good to know. I’ll start with removing the golf balls.

This is all good information, but I don’t have a rooster. I also don’t want chicks. As I said before, I’m gonna try to remove the golf balls. If this doesn’t break her broodiness, I’ll come back and ask for more advice.

Thank you both.
Happy to help!
I wouldn't go by this one instance.
Here are my go to sins of a broody:
Is she on nest most the day and all night?
When you pull her out of nest and put her on the ground, does she flatten right back out into a fluffy screeching pancake?
Does she walk around making a low cluckcluckcluckcluckcluck(ticking bomb) sound on her way back to the nest?

If so, then she is probably broody and you'll have to decide how to manage it.

..and this is what I usually do with them:

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