broody hen

Hi people - have had my stupid bloody broody hen in a wire cage since last Wednesdsay. She seems fairly happy there but hasn't laid an egg yet. My boys ( 5& 6 ) tell me she was making 'egg laying' cackling noises yesterday - but still no egg. Should I let her out - or should I keep her in jail till she lays an egg. I feel pretty sorry for her! Am I being mean?
My broodies always go right back in the coop to their nest when I put them out with the others. I used the wire-cage method a month or more ago on two broodies (had them together too) and it worked. If I remember correctly, it took about a week for mine. I have another broody in it right now and it's been 5 days for her so far. I have one more broody to break but can't put the two together (one's to territorial) and only have the one cage.

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