My 1 year old hen typically goes broody every month. She used to be our most docile hen. Ever since we brought home 8 week old chicks, she’s been very territorial. Now that my then chicks are laying, she has grown increasingly aggressive. Some days she even steals or moves their eggs!
She’s back to being broody again this week. My new layers haven’t been laying as much inside the nesting boxes. I’ve found their eggs hidden in a nest they made under our boat. Today I witnessed her attacking a new layer who walked into a nesting box! Now one of my new layers has a bloody comb….
For reference, I have 10 hens & 6 nesting boxes.
I didn’t know what to do so the broody hen is currently outside of the coop… any advice on how to handle her aggressive behavior?
She’s back to being broody again this week. My new layers haven’t been laying as much inside the nesting boxes. I’ve found their eggs hidden in a nest they made under our boat. Today I witnessed her attacking a new layer who walked into a nesting box! Now one of my new layers has a bloody comb….
For reference, I have 10 hens & 6 nesting boxes.
I didn’t know what to do so the broody hen is currently outside of the coop… any advice on how to handle her aggressive behavior?