Brown Leghorns: Pics, Info, and Resources

Brown Leghorns are my favorite, because they have beautiful coloring and they are great egg layers. The Brown Leghorn's colors help it hide better from predators than the whites. All the leghorns are quick and can fly short distances to get away from predators. This makes them a good choice for free ranging.

The name Leghorn is an anglicisation of Livorno, the port city in Italy where they were shipped from to the United States. Many people in the United States say "Legern."

I prefer the look of the single comb varieties, but if you live in a cold region the rose comb varieties are probably a better choice because the comb is less likely to get frostbite.

Here is a website for the American Brown Leghorn Club:

I especially like the Single Comb Light Brown Leghorn. Here are some pictures I found.

The second male looks like an English or Australian bird. Their Leghorns are a very different type with much bigger combs, wattles, and front ends and do not have as much as tail as American Leghorns.
Interesting. That second rooster's comb looks really big. But I used that picture for my avatar. :)

I think it did mention Australia when I found that picture. It seems they have bred their Brown Leghorns to be a bit beefier.

Does anyone have a list of breeders of Brown Leghorns?
Interesting. That second rooster's comb looks really big. But I used that picture for my avatar. :)

I think it did mention Australia when I found that picture. It seems they have bred their Brown Leghorns to be a bit beefier.

Does anyone have a list of breeders of Brown Leghorns?

Contact the American Brown Leghorn Club. they should have a list of breeders. their website is Bud Blankenship is the secratary and his contact info is on the website, I am sure he would be happy to send you a breeders directory.
I sent Mr. Blankenship an e-mail. If he sends me a list of breeders I will post it on this thread.

Thanks you.
I have been communicating with Mr. Blankenship, American Brown Leghorn Club secretary, and he said he will put together a list of breeders of Brown Leghorns who do not mind having their names made public.

Mr. Blankenship said the hatcheries have beautiful Brown Leghorns, but their Brown Leghorns may not meet the standards for body type and color.

So, if you aren't going to put your Brown Leghorns in competition and you don't need the satisfaction of having Brown Leghorns that meet the standards of perfection, then hatcheries might be a good source to get the different varieties of Brown Leghorns.

I will post the list of breeders when Mr. Blankenship e-mails the list to me.
A good place to start would be the APA Standard (old or new editions) to give you an idea what American Leghorns are suppose to look like. The original Brown Leghorns were the old fashioned Brown Leghorn similar to the Danish Browns.Then double mating (pullet lines/cockerel lines) was practiced and after decades of this two separate varieties came about by the late 1920's.The pullet line became the Light Brown Leghorn and the cockerel line became the Dark Brown Leghorn.Since the world over all sorts of names are given,there is no uniform naming.The name Red Duckwing or wild type coloring is what the Light Brown Leghorn is,the Dark Brown Leghorn is extremely dark red colored with black (melanizers) and name should be dark red brown,based on the genetic grouping and allele.s

The heavy male pictured is of the English type,with huge comb,angular shape and pinched tail.The bottom female appears to be the bantam counterpart of American Light Browns..
I have some pretty good SQ leghorns from mark atwood and don schriders lines, I will be selling eggs if anyone is interested./LL"></a>
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So Sumatra55 is that a light or dark leghorn rooster? It looks like my roo, just want to know what i have. thanks

Well I'm not Sumatra55 but I'll answer you that is a Light Brown Leghorn pictured there.
One of the most beautifully colored breeds of chickens there are, esp the hens. There's not too many breeds of chickens have females that almost equal or supersede the male counterpart in plumage pattern/colors. I think the Light Brown Leghorn females do compare/equal. JMHO LOL.

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