Brown liquid oozing out during hatch??


7 Years
Aug 28, 2016
Memphis, TN
I set 18 chicken eggs 21 days ago. One pipped yesterday afternoon and hatched this morning. Two others, just hatched. A fourth has been trying to hatch all day. I noticed brown liquid coming out of the egg an hour or so ago. I turned the egg because he seemed to be getting the liquid in his beak. When he still had not made any progress I checked closer and found the membrane dried and stuck to him around the opening he had made with more brown oozing out. I used wet, warm q-tips to loosen his feathers from the membrane. I put him back in the incubator and he pushed the egg open and flopped out. He is still very wet and gooey. The other chicks have all hatched normally. This is not my first hatch, I hatch several batches every year. But, this is the first time I have had only one chick with an egg full of liquid. I dry incubated until lockdown btw. Any idea what is happening with him?
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I took him out to get a better picture and he is not right. His crop looks like it has a huge air bubble in it. It almost looks like part of his intestines are coming out. He is totally covered in brown liquid. Is it coming from his intestines?
Yep, that's intestines.
His yolk sac looks like it's a giant blood clot, which is probably leaking the brown fluid.

I don't think this chick is worth keeping alive. It'll probably pass with the next few hours, or 24 hours later. I'd put this one down.

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