Buff Orpington Egg Color

Glad to see Brown eggs coming from Buff opringtons, I thought dark hens laid brown eggs light hens laid white eggs ( a video I watched while subbing one day! )
We've got 2 buffs, 2 isa browns and 4 rirs and have been getting all brown eggs we weren't sure if our buffs were laying eggs yet but now I am sure that they are!
We got 6 eggs today which is exciting! would have had 7 but one of our RIRS was injured by a dog recently and her egg she laid was a nasty mess .
Thanks for the thread!
We just found our first Buff egg this morning, the egg being light colored I did a search and found this post. Could it be the first eggs start off white and get my brown tint later?I have a red sexlink egg in one pic for comparison!


We got two Buff eggs today, the first two, The first is the egg on the left, the one on the right is from a Cinnamon! We also got a soft shell egg from a second BO that has just a little more brown tint than the first! I expect they will darken some later on!

Wow we got our 3rd BO egg this morning, more brown tint, so we have 3 of 10 BO hens that have laid eggs at 19 weeks!

Our buff Orpington has been laying whit eggs, too. Sorry no picture but they are white not tan, she too has white bits on her ears


I'm not sure what to think of it. She looks like a Bo. She's pretty big and fluffy. She's been laying them in the yard, not in the laying box.
I have hatchery BR's not BO's but I can tell you, my BR's are not even CLOSE to true BR feathering and look more like Dominique's. Out of the 15,only my cockerel has anything close to barring. The pullets feathering looks more "spotted" than barred.

I used to raise Heritage BR's and bred to the SOP, so have wondered what breed the hatchery crossed these birds I currently have with, as they in NO WAY, look true to breed.

It's my guess that the hatcheries are crossing breeds to get better egg laying, better meat, or other qualities they think the buyers want. I don't think any of the hatchery chickens are really what they are advertised as. JMHO

Next spring I am getting some heritage BR's and Dom's. If I remember by then, I will put up pictures of the difference between the chickens bred for the SOP and the hatchery ones.
~~update, we gathered about a dozen in 6 days, it seems like 2 out 10 hens have started laying, we cooked our first buff eggs for breakfast Sunday morning, two each and believe it or not all 4 eggs were double yoked, we picked the biggest eggs from the dozen.

~~update, we gathered about a dozen in 6 days, it seems like 2 out 10 hens have started laying, we cooked our first buff eggs for breakfast Sunday morning, two each and believe it or not all 4 eggs were double yoked, we picked the biggest eggs from the dozen.

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