Hi, I'm pretty new to the chicken scene but I've had a flock since 9/11/23. First I got new hampshires and have enjoyed some pretty big eggs, many doubles and one triple! My orange hens are pretty big. The rooster I had weighed in at 9.8 lbs and that was after his head, feet and blood were removed! But my question concerns buff orpington pullets that I added to the flock in Feb. Noiw they are 5 months old and have been laying for a few weeks. The eggs from them are not even close to a medium size. Plus the hens are not as big as the new hampshires. They have 3 automatic feeders and get plenty of water so thats not a problem. Question is, are these buffs going to start laying normal size eggs soon and arent they supposed to be a rather large breed? Any feedback or experience with this situation out there?