buff orpington hens or roos...10 weeks old

I'm looking at the group picture, I see saddle feathers coming in on 2, 3, 5. #1 & #4 don't have.
In the picture of 3 & 4 #3 has saddle feathers #4 don't. #3 is the one with the head down.
This is what I see. Re-post pictures at 12 weeks I'm betting it will be the same with 2,3,5 having nice saddle feathers showing.
I just recently got 8 week old buff orps. I was really sure who was a girl and who was a boy going by there comb but if so many people are sure all yours are girls I need to start second guessing myself!

I see saddle feathers starting on quite a few of them, but hopefully I am wrong for your sake. Are BOs typically difficult to sex?? Don't big combs and wattles = boy? Especially when compared to a much smaller girls comb?
i think from the group shot(1st pic)the only girl is the one on top.3,4,5 look like roos to me.can't really tell about 2 but leaning toward roo also.
my buff girls didn't have any wattle development until they were almost laying,but all birds are different.
My BO hen was red early with big comb/wattles and people even joked I should rename her! She is now my best layer. I think #4 might be a roo b/c his comb looks much taller- but so was my hens. #5 looks to have great big legs, so Im leaning roo. My orp roos had huge legs compared to my pullets. Good Luck!!
That is what I see as well. My BO hens have a variety of combs, from short and sweet (Mae West), medium and sassy (Annie Oakley), to tall and flopped (Gloria Steinem). But I wouldn't call them for sure until they are a bit further along...
I see 3 roos and 1 pullet. Not sure on the 5th one in the first group photo, but I'm leaning towards 4 boys and 1 girl.

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