Buff Orpington rooster or Light Brahma rooster

Jesus loves me

Apr 17, 2024
Hello, I am planning on starting a flock of chickens this spring and am trying to determine which breed of rooster I should get. So far I am planning on getting Wyandotte's hens, Light Brahma hens, Buff Orpington hens, and New Hampshire hens. I would like a rooster that gets along well with other breeds of chickens and is also friendly and good around young kids and am hoping to maybe try to free range my chickens. Thank you!
Both breeds are generally chill but the individual bird's temperament is far more important. Roosters of either breed can be gentlemen or jerks

However, since you have young children I'd advise against getting a rooster at all for now as if you do end up with a mean roo, he can seriously hurt a small child, plus small children can be loud and rambunctious which can be threatening to a rooster and provoke an attack. Wait a few years until your children are older
Do you plan to hatch chicks, or have other plans that would require a rooster? Not all roosters are bad. When my children were young they handled the roosters all the time. We did cull two roos over the years for bad behavior out of about a two dozen.

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