*Buff Orpington Thread!*

That's normal. They all vary, but a few of mine can be quite monstrous. Usually they start to relax once the chicks are over a week.
Whew! Glad to hear that because wow! We have them separated from the rest but jsut hardware cloth between them and the other hens get close and the mamas puff up and get a little testy! Even with us, one flew at me this morning and bit the finger of my glove and all I was doing was changing their water
I was like sheesh!!! Calm down LOL! And it's funny how having babies changes them, like overnight I'm like WHO ARE YOU?!
But I'll be patient, the chicks are a week old so hopefully things start to calm down. I love my buffs, such good girls
Can you keep buff Orpington hens and ducks together? My 2 week old ducklings are not afraid to come up and peck at my 2 month old hens. Will they grow out of this or will I have to have separate coops?
I love buff orpingtons! I used to have 7 of them. 6 hens and 1 rooster. They all came from a hatchery and they all had historical names like Abigail Adams, Martha Washington, Sally Hemmings, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, etc. All of them but Abigail Adams died. Abigail Adams is very friendly even though all her siblings died. She lets me hug her even though I don't think she likes it.
Can you keep buff Orpington hens and ducks together? My 2 week old ducklings are not afraid to come up and peck at my 2 month old hens. Will they grow out of this or will I have to have separate coops?

I house mine together. For the most part they all get along. My drake likes to chase my rooster around the yard from time to time, but no harm done. The only time I separated was when they were real young because the ducklings made it too wet for chicks. But your chicks are old enough that, that shouldn't be a problem.

As long as there is enough room for each bird you should be ok. We free range so the only time they're stuck together is at night. Other than that they move around all day. Sometimes together, sometimes separate.
I love buff orpingtons! I used to have 7 of them. 6 hens and 1 rooster. They all came from a hatchery and they all had historical names like Abigail Adams, Martha Washington, Sally Hemmings, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, etc. All of them but Abigail Adams died. Abigail Adams is very friendly even though all her siblings died. She lets me hug her even though I don't think she likes it.

Cute picture. Sorry to hear they all passed. I had that happen here also. One group all passed, but two at a young age. Out of pure curiosity, what hatchery did you use?
Though this was a negative experience with this certain hatchery, we've had good experiences with this hatchery too. I don't want to share bad reviews on this hatchery on a public page. Can you PM me?

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