*Buff Orpington Thread!*

Hey all, I just found a new chicken farm in my area that sells the larger BO's. They are called From Fluff to Feathers Farm and they are about 15 miles north of me so no shipping charges. The only problem is that they don't have anyone that can sex a chicken so I would be taking my chances on straight runs. I did put in an order for day old chicks in April or March. They will be supplying one of the feed stores here in town with chicks. They need to find an expert in sexing chicks though, especially if they want to continue in their endeavors for raising chickens and selling them.



I love these girl's!!! They always run to my feet and jump in my lap! they aren't fans of being picked up but I wouldn't be either. Also they are ALWAYS trying and challenging each other. It never gets really back and happens more when the run around while the brooder is being cleaned. But they are awesome. I'm amazed by how much their feathers are growing in seems like every morning they are longer and fuller.♡♡
OmGoodness! How long does it usually take before a newly added hen will not be so stressed out and start laying? I've had these 3 new 1 1/2 year old BOs for a week and they haven't laid at all.
Animals can take from a couple of weeks to a couple of months to relax in their new home. I'm not sure how that effects laying but they also need to have a good nest box (in my case I setup several) high up that they can access easily from the roosting bars 5 gallon plastic pails within their safe area (henhouse) filled with mixed straw and fine pine shavings and with a board across the bottom front to hold the shavings in the pails. I see them sometimes nesting two at a time inside these pails.

Having a good easy to find safe comfortable nest is just as important as their being unstressed and being fed in part layer pellets as part of their diet to ensure proper calcium and protein can be reached.
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They have a mansion for a coop. Lol We have many other chickens, just the 1st time I've ever gotten new hens that I didn't hatch or purchase as day olds. Thanks for the info though. Hopefully they will lay soon
Animals can take from a couple of weeks to a couple of months to relax in their new home.  I'm not sure how that effects laying but they also need to have a good nest box (in my case I setup several) high up that they can access easily from the roosting bars 5 gallon plastic pails within their safe area (henhouse) filled with mixed straw and fine pine shavings and with a board across the bottom front to hold the shavings in the pails.  I see them sometimes nesting two at a time inside these pails.

Having a good easy to find safe comfortable nest is just as important as their being unstressed and being fed in part layer pellets as part of their diet to ensure proper calcium and protein can be reached.
I went up to find Bella's mother hurt yesterday. At first when I could see her through the pophole I thought she had her eye taken out! But luckily she didn't. I think rather she got her head/comb trapped in the treadle feeder and she must have pulled it out. I doubt it was fighting because she still has her place and none of the other girls had any blood at all. I washed her with some hippiscrub is warm water. I didnt get all the blood off her feathers because she started playing up but with the weather we have coming I'm sure that wont be a problem!


After getting cleaned up
[COLOR=333333]I went up to find Bella's mother hurt yesterday. At first when I could see her through the pophole I thought she had her eye taken out! But luckily she didn't. I think rather she got her head/comb trapped in the treadle feeder and she must have pulled it out. I doubt it was fighting because she still has her place and none of the other girls had any blood at all. I washed her with some hippiscrub is warm water. I didnt get all the blood off her feathers because she started playing up but with the weather we have coming I'm sure that wont be a problem![/COLOR]
[COLOR=333333]After getting cleaned up[/COLOR]
Poor sweetie. It always breaks my heart when one of my girls gets hurt. :-(

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