*Buff Orpington Thread!*

My dozen buff pullets are finally here!
I have 2 BOs that are missing feathers. One is missing feathers on her back but there seems to be some coming in. The other one is a total mess. Not only feathers missing on her back but she has broken wing feathers, partly bare neck and only a few tail feathers as well as her pretty fluffy butt is no longer pretty and fluffy but looks like a bad case of mange. She is still laying but I'm beginning to worry about winter coming on and her with no feathers to keep her warm. Worried that she may freeze to death. Any suggestions? Do I need to knit her a chicken sweater?
I have 2 BOs that are missing feathers. One is missing feathers on her back but there seems to be some coming in. The other one is a total mess. Not only feathers missing on her back but she has broken wing feathers, partly bare neck and only a few tail feathers as well as her pretty fluffy butt is no longer pretty and fluffy but looks like a bad case of mange. She is still laying but I'm beginning to worry about winter coming on and her with no feathers to keep her warm. Worried that she may freeze to death. Any suggestions? Do I need to knit her a chicken sweater?

Why are they missing feathers?
If its just molt....Nutrena Feather Fixer and protein.
If its parasites...treat the parasites, then Nutrena Feather Fixer & proein.
If it's another bird or animal attack or fighting...shoot something, then Nutrena Feather Fixer & Protein....LOL

Fix what is causing the problem, then get feathers back on them.
If they don't get enough back by winter then house them warm enough until they do!
My roster was a sweetie.
I had read the same thread when we got him, and I too was a bit alarmist.

It is good to be prepared, and not allow bad behavior to sneak in.
But enjoy him -and just as you'd rear your children or raise your dogs, keep that vigilant eye on them so they don't hang out with the wrong crowd and pick up undesirable traits.
Keep him away from fast cars and .... well I guess 'seedy places', 'chicks' and things are okay for a rooster.

Thank you for the words of wisdom 3goodeggs. I will definitely take them to heart.
We'll today is a sad day I just got rid of all 4 of my orpingtons
4 Out of 4 straight run chicks ended up being Roos. I would have kept one but I also have an EE Roo and the only hens I have are EEs so I thought I should keep him incase I wanted to hatch some. Anyway I'm sad they were sweet chickens!

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