*Buff Orpington Thread!*

I'd wait a little longer.  Larger comb... well, one of my gals had a large enough comb compared to others that more than one mistook her for a roo - she just happened to be a large girl.  :)  She lost part of her large comb due to frostbite her first winter :(, but she really is the sweetest of our group.  

If it had saddle feathers, that would be another thing...  But it's a bit young for that, I think. *shrug* 

Wait, and take some more pictures.  I recall a lot of experienced BO owners/breeders (almost anyone is more experienced than me) that sometimes it's very difficult to tell what you've got until it crows... And even then, it might still lay an egg.  :idunno

Thank you! I will post new pics in a couple/few weeks! I do plan to wit until there is no question at all on gender before giving anyone away, but it is hard not to try and guess and worry a little ;)






This is Nugget, our just shy of 4 week old BO! She is part of our first flock of 6 chicks and we have different breeds so comparing them to guess gender is difficult. I am starting to loose hope that we will get to keep our only BO, the breed we were most excited about :( is there any chance Nugget is just an early maturing and big girl or should I start looking for a new home already?

This is interesting cause my daughters BO is under suspicion too. Currently we call this one "Miss" Pecky. And I have to say she is the first one to observe and find her way to peck at me! These photo are a few days old, but she has the largest combs out of all the varieties and I just started to notice the reddish wattle area. I am wondering if Orps progress faster than other breeds? Compared to all the others...her fancy attribute look a little more masculine.

This is Nugget, our just shy of 4 week old BO! She is part of our first flock of 6 chicks and we have different breeds so comparing them to guess gender is difficult. I am starting to loose hope that we will get to keep our only BO, the breed we were most excited about
is there any chance Nugget is just an early maturing and big girl or should I start looking for a new home already?
Looks like a sweet little roo to me too. Both of our roosters had those bare wing bows and it you look at a close up of the 4th pic yours little one is sparsely feathered in the wing bow area as well. Our BO roo started crowing at 7 weeks so you don't have too much longer to wait to know for sure.
And if that little chick starts breeding others doesn't mean its a roo we had a HEN "breed" another hen she copies the roo. It was a bit weird...

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