*Buff Orpington Thread!*

I am considering getting some new chickens and was considering buff orpingtons.  Do they have a good tempermeant with other chickens and are friendly towards children?  Or should I get something else?
as everyone said...they are amazing!! I'm surprised bUT very glad. Husband choice was buff and I'm definitely glad he chose them. We have 4 and they will be a keeper in our flock. One of them always jumps on son shoulder to take ride to the cows fields everyday!!
Okay...so explain to me how this is possible.

I met a person the other day, while I was running NMRs...they were telling me how they don't like birds, hate them, can't stand birds...but they love chickens and they wanted to hear all about my backyard flock.

How the frick is that even possible?

I swear...there was a long awkward pause before I could find the words to talk. It was weird, I can count on one hand the number of times, in my life, that I have been rendered speechless.

Some people's kids...I swear.
Okay...so explain to me how this is possible.

I met a person the other day, while I was running NMRs...they were telling me how they don't like birds, hate them, can't stand birds...but they love chickens and they wanted to hear all about my backyard flock.

How the frick is that even possible?

I swear...there was a long awkward pause before I could find the words to talk. It was weird, I can count on one hand the number of times, in my life, that I have been rendered speechless.

Some people's kids...I swear.


There's just no telling what people will come up with.
Golf balls work great too!

  • Have enough nest boxes. One box for every 4 to 5 hens is the minimum for your hens to feel comfortably laying in them.
  • Make nest boxes appealing. Ensure that your nest boxes are in a dark, quiet corner of the coop. Hens have the instinct to lay their eggs in a safe place. Boxes should be a few inches off the floor.
  • Train them with a "nest egg." You can purchase fake ceramic eggs from feed or supply stores, or use a golf ball. When your pullets get ready to start laying, placing the fake egg in a nest box will give them the idea that the boxes are "the place" to lay their eggs, too.
  • Keep them confined till mid-morning. Most hens lay early in the day, so by keeping them in the coop until most of the egg-laying is done, you maximize the chances that they'll lay in the nest boxes instead of finding a cozy place outside the coop.
  • Make nest boxes soft and comfy. I notice that as our shavings get depleted in the nest boxes, the hens avoid them. Keep shavings or straw nice and fluffy to encourage laying in the nest boxes
thank you so much are chickens are laying it the box now!!!! thank you
Well, it's confirmed as of this morning, one of my 4 BOs is a roo. First crow I thought something was wrong. Second crow I was like, "Ooohhhhh!" So Cora of my Downton Coop is now Lord Grantham. Lol! Fortunately I'm in the process of selling my current home and buying something in the country, so I don't have to get rid of him. So far, he's the friendliest of the four, although all four are like golden retrievers! After I move, I guess I'll have to add more girls, otherwise he'll likely wear the three girls out!

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