*Buff Orpington Thread!*

You know, if my 6 years of raising hens has taught me anything, it's that there is no one normal way a chicken will behave.  And while 9 months does seem rather early.  I have 2 BO's and they didn't do their first molt till they were 2 1/2 years old.  And they had some ratty taddy feathers.

So she certainly could be molting.  Combs do tend to go pale when they molt.  The only thing I'd be suspicious of is worms or parasites.  You could have a vet do a fecal float on a dropping just to rule that out.  Otherwise, you are doing the right things.  Keep up the protein.  I'll bet she's just molting.

I'm also new and have 2 BOs. They too seem a bit pale since the weathers gotten colder and I see feathers all over the garden. They free range all day till they run back into their coop. Their behaviour is pretty normal I'd say and I haven't noticed any behaviour that might suggest mites or parasites or worms.
I just assumed that they turn a bit pale since they're not receiving as much sun.
I'm also new and have 2 BOs. They too seem a bit pale since the weathers gotten colder and I see feathers all over the garden. They free range all day till they run back into their coop. Their behaviour is pretty normal I'd say and I haven't noticed any behaviour that might suggest mites or parasites or worms.
I just assumed that they turn a bit pale since they're not receiving as much sun.
Their combs go pale because they stop laying eggs. That bright red comb is a signal to the rooster that the hen is fertile and laying eggs. But most hens stop laying while molting. So their combs go pale so that the rooster will leave them alone.

Once they finish molting and come back into lay, their combs will redden up again and once again will attract the affections of the rooster.

And this is true for flocks that don't have a rooster. I don't.
Their combs go pale because they stop laying eggs.  That bright red comb is a signal to the rooster that the hen is fertile and laying eggs.  But most hens stop laying while molting.  So their combs go pale so that the rooster will leave them alone.

Once they finish molting and come back into lay, their combs will redden up again and once again will attract the affections of the rooster.

And this is true for flocks that don't have a rooster.  I don't. 

Thanks. I should've mentioned that it's their feathers have gotten pale*
Thanks. I should've mentioned that it's their feathers have gotten pale*
The old feathers or the new ones?

I was amazed at how light my BO's were as she started to molt. Her feathers coming in are so much darker. I guess when they are that old, they just get faded and worn.

I've also read that chickens can molt and the feathers come in a slightly different color. I personally have not experienced this but I know it can happen.
We have 4 buff orpington hens about 9 months old or a little less. One is losing feathers all over the place and has other signs that she is moulting, but I didn't think they did at this age. The thing that concerns us and that I am worried about is that she is pale ALL OVER---all of her feathers are not as deep gold as they were before. We were new to chicken keeping last April, and are members here, and love BACKYARD CHICKENS SITE!
We take very good care of our birds (like pets) and I clean coop/run daily, use poultry spray prod. etc. I see no sign of mites...We are now feeding them 'feather fixer feed'.
I just want to make sure my Prissy is indeed moulting and is not sick---It's the pale feathers all over that worried me...

When new feathers emerge they break through the skin encased in a white sheath, which eventually breaks up into powder. When my black orpington molted (at that approximate age) all of a sudden it looked like he was mottled! But when all the new feathers were in and that casing gone--he was glossy and blacker than ever.
Whoa Buff Orpingtons get big!! Came back from drooling at the poultry show. These girls get HUGE!!! Ours are 28 weeks & just 25 weeks old.
Whoa Buff Orpingtons get big!! Came back from drooling at the poultry show. These girls get HUGE!!! Ours are 28 weeks & just 25 weeks old.

I had one who weighed 9lbs. I swear you could feel the patio pavers shake when she came running up to me. LOVED that bird. Sadly, we lost her. But yes, BO's can get big.
Hi, she is standoffish, goes by herself and sits in sun under a tree. She seems to be eating fine. She was the leader, now she won't 'fight' for her treats---kind of hangs back when I bring the loved corn out in a bowl.
She is pale all over, comb and wattles too.
Hubby thinks she IS getting new feathers and looking better, so I guess I was worrying for nothing.
I brought her in the house in a towel and she sat in my lap for half and hour while I watched TV and petted her head. She PURRED and seemed very happy after initially squawking when I picked her up. lol!
Hi, she is standoffish, goes by herself and sits in sun under a tree. She seems to be eating fine. She was the leader, now she won't 'fight' for her treats---kind of hangs back when I bring the loved corn out in a bowl.
She is pale all over, comb and wattles too.
Hubby thinks she IS getting new feathers and looking better, so I guess I was worrying for nothing.
I brought her in the house in a towel and she sat in my lap for half and hour while I watched TV and petted her head. She PURRED and seemed very happy after initially squawking when I picked her up. lol!

Can you post a photo of what she looks like now?

Yes, if she is molting they are more standoffish. The new feathers coming in are painful, so they can isolate themselves for a while.

It's is always a worry, so no problem! Even though I know this is what's going on with my girl, I still watch to make sure she is eating/drinking, she avoids the flock most of the day.

I have recently heard that BO's do not reach full maturity until after 18-24 months? Can anyone confirm this? Can enough people confirm this to convince me?
If they start egg laying at about 5 months, reach peak production at 13-15 months, how can they still be growing to full size at 18 months?

Just need some inputs here. Thanks.

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