Mar 8, 2024
Today I went outside to see that there were two chicks.
One chick which is newly hatched has small tan bugs crawling on it's head. There's maybe 10 of the bugs.
I tried to get some off it's head but they wouldn't really budge.
I don't know how they got there. It is newly hatched and I don't know how the bugs would have got on the chick that fast.
I have never had this problem before. PLEASE HELP.
What could these bugs be? I would attach a picture but I don't want to keep taking the chick away from mama hen.
Are there any home remedies? Anything I could get at the feed store while I'm out shopping???

This is urgent. Please help.
Thank you!
Sounds to me like either your coop or your mama hen is infested with mites.
It probably won't hurt if you only use the smallest, tiniest amount of DE on the chick's head, but use caution when doing so. Too much DE can irritate the lungs. If you don't feel comforatable doing that, you can also use garlic powder. Might not work quite as well, but it will at least keep them at bay.
Best of luck!
Sounds to me like either your coop or your mama hen is infested with mites.
It probably won't hurt if you only use the smallest, tiniest amount of DE on the chick's head, but use caution when doing so. Too much DE can irritate the lungs. If you don't feel comforatable doing that, you can also use garlic powder. Might not work quite as well, but it will at least keep them at bay.
Best of luck!
Thanks so much.
I haven't seen any bugs on mama hen but I will look again.
Do you think I should treat the whole flock? I don't really want to put DE on each individual one, I know you can put it in dust baths but they don't really use the one in the run, they only dust bathe outside.
Sounds to me like either your coop or your mama hen is infested with mites.
It probably won't hurt if you only use the smallest, tiniest amount of DE on the chick's head, but use caution when doing so. Too much DE can irritate the lungs. If you don't feel comforatable doing that, you can also use garlic powder. Might not work quite as well, but it will at least keep them at bay.
Best of luck!
Can you get DE at Tractor Supply?
Can you get DE at Tractor Supply?
DE won't cure if you have infestation already only minimally works as preventative. I would use pyrethrin powder and lightly dust chicks and nesting area mother. If you do have infestation, you will most likely need to treat all birds and coops depending on what bugs you are seeing. It also comes in liquid form and can be sprayed on coop and birds making it easier for coop. But I like the powder for birds and especially if must be used on hatchlings.
Last edited: I go again. Some folks believe it's worth a try and then believe! I use the pet store canary/parakeet mite spray. Works great! DE never worked for me.
Today I went outside to see that there were two chicks.
One chick which is newly hatched has small tan bugs crawling on it's head. There's maybe 10 of the bugs.
I tried to get some off it's head but they wouldn't really budge.
I don't know how they got there. It is newly hatched and I don't know how the bugs would have got on the chick that fast.
I have never had this problem before. PLEASE HELP.
What could these bugs be? I would attach a picture but I don't want to keep taking the chick away from mama hen.
Are there any home remedies? Anything I could get at the feed store while I'm out shopping???

This is urgent. Please help.
Thank you!
I got chicks from my friends momma hen and they had lice. Were the little bugs slithering?

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