Building my first coop! - progress thread

Rodents, weasels, and snakes...your walls are pretty smooth...but at least you have the regular window screen there.

You work with graphics?
Yeah, I’m hoping the regular screen will help as well. It’s metal, after all.

And yeah, I work in animation :) Lots of render time near deadlines, especially on an old computer like mine at home, it can take a while. Gives me time to do other stuff.
What kind of animation?
Educational media. Mostly for schools, museums, etc. For example, right now we're working on an animated series to get girls inspired to go into STEM fields. A lot of our content is meant to help bridge the achievement gap in schools by making learning more fun, to get students engaged with the material and learning better. Good stuff.
I just found 1/2" hardware cloth on Amazon that's actually cheaper than the 1" I already got.... Where was I looking?!? :he (the 1" came from Amazon as well, still cheaper than any store). Oh well. At least I only got a "test roll" of 25 feet, and not the entire amount I'd need. I'll use it on the vent openings way up there.

I still have those 2" welded iron panels I got for free from a neighbor though... I don't know what their gauge is, but they are like zoo cage serious - thick non-bendable iron mesh and an L beam frame around each panel, 3'x4'. She'd assembled them like tiles for the walls and roof of her run without a wooden frame, just the panels bolted together. I still want to use them... just worried that 2" may be too big... Maybe if I layer hardware cloth against them along the bottom 3 feet of the walls, and hope creatures get discouraged and think it's dense all the way up, and don't climb 3 feet up to check? :lol:
I just found 1/2" hardware cloth on Amazon that's actually cheaper than the 1" I already got.... Where was I looking?!? :he (the 1" came from Amazon as well, still cheaper than any store). Oh well. At least I only got a "test roll" of 25 feet, and not the entire amount I'd need. I'll use it on the vent openings way up there.

I still have those 2" welded iron panels I got for free from a neighbor though... I don't know what their gauge is, but they are like zoo cage serious - thick non-bendable iron mesh and an L beam frame around each panel, 3'x4'. She'd assembled them like tiles for the walls and roof of her run without a wooden frame, just the panels bolted together. I still want to use them... just worried that 2" may be too big... Maybe if I layer hardware cloth against them along the bottom 3 feet of the walls, and hope creatures get discouraged and think it's dense all the way up, and don't climb 3 feet up to check? :lol:
Sounds like you could use it as a frame and then wrap it in either hardware cloth or 1 inch chicken wire? I do something similar with chain link dog kennel panels for all my covered runs
Sounds like you could use it as a frame and then wrap it in either hardware cloth or 1 inch chicken wire? I do something similar with chain link dog kennel panels for all my covered runs
Good point on the chicken wire. It’s cheaper than HC, so if I can use it instead that would be awesome! This project is already getting pricier than I planned on, I don’t think I can wrap the whole run in HC. Do the small critters that can fit through the 2” iron openings also chew chicken wire? Or is it just big things like raccoons? If I can stop big things with the iron panels, and smaller things (fishers etc) with the layering of chicken wire against the iron panels, I’ll be all set.
Good point on the chicken wire. It’s cheaper than HC, so if I can use it instead that would be awesome! This project is already getting pricier than I planned on, I don’t think I can wrap the whole run in HC. Do the small critters that can fit through the 2” iron openings also chew chicken wire? Or is it just big things like raccoons? If I can stop big things with the iron panels, and smaller things (fishers etc) with the layering of chicken wire against the iron panels, I’ll be all set.
Here I have lots of predators, raccoons, skunks, owls, eagles, Falcons, coyotes, dogs, wild cats, mink and of course fox... oh I sometimes lose young fowl to snakes or rats. So I try to make sure the lower portions are covered in hardware cloth and the upper covered in a minimum of one inch poultry wire. I have seen folks that can free range and or have had better luck with less fortified coops but that is not my case
Poop flap is done. I’ll give it a little ramp on the inside, so I can easily push the bedding out on clean out day (right now the 2x4 making up the bottom of that wall frame is in the way).



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