Do you have a bully breed?

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There were turkeys in the yard this morning and Brewster was going ballistic lol I called him off and was petting him and told him he doesn’t need to worry about turkeys, that coyotes and foxes are what he needs to worry about, etc. LOL he seemed to understand but it didn’t work. Right back to the door later freaking out. 🙄 so then I got in front of the door, blocking his view LOL and was like listen… are you listening? Turkeys are friends. We don’t bark at our friends. He kept barking. Then at a couple points he starts singing (yelling at me) so I go yes they are (arguing back but not yelling at him or anything) lmaooooo it was so funny!!!! Eventually he seemed to get it and stop.
I forgot I also told him the turkeys wouldn’t hurt him 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 even though they probably would if he tried to catch one which he would 🤣😭
Good morning. I took the dog for a walk. Did our normal walk instead it cutting it short or not going at all like I have been doing lately. :oops:
I am currently attempting to teach Luc the "Orbit" trick. He starts on my right side and walks backwards around me and ends up back at my side. It's been slow but we've successfully made one full orbit without stopping but I have to spin with him and lure the whole time. It's going to take a lot more practice to get to a full orbit without luring and on command but it's fun to add something else to our practice sessions.
I am currently attempting to teach Luc the "Orbit" trick. He starts on my right side and walks backwards around me and ends up back at my side. It's been slow but we've successfully made one full orbit without stopping but I have to spin with him and lure the whole time. It's going to take a lot more practice to get to a full orbit without luring and on command but it's fun to add something else to our practice sessions.
That’s awesome!!!!!!
Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!


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