Bullying new ducklings


Oct 4, 2023
Hello everyone! New member and recent duck owner. I got 2 pekins back in March and a little over a month I got 3 more ducklings, 1 pekin, one khaki and one rouen. I gave them a little over 4 weeks to introduce them like I was recommended, but the issue is my one larger lady pekin is chasing the little ones at random and she has nipped at them as well. I supervise them quite a bit and stop her if I see her starting to go after them. She won't try to sit on them but she has nipped them. No blood or feather pulling out. I want to house them together soon because the little ones are still in my house but is there a way to help cut this habit. Quackster, my older bigger pekin is my sweetie, but she only is bullying the little ducks she is affectionate with socks my other pekin. Any advice is appreciated.
how old are the little ones now? you said they are still in your house?
if they were born in April or May, is way past due time to house them outside.
One thing you can do is put a divider across your duckhouse, so they can see but not touch each other at night, for a few weeks, then they should get used to each other..

during the daytime how big is their run or yard space? If they have plenty of space to avoid each other its better. Have at least 2 (or more) feeding and watering places set up where they can't see each other. Have a few hiding places too.
its normal for ducks to fight a little, they are figuring out the 'pecking order'
but if there is blood or other injury get them separated right away.
how old are the little ones now? you said they are still in your house?
if they were born in April or May, is way past due time to house them outside.
One thing you can do is put a divider across your duckhouse, so they can see but not touch each other at night, for a few weeks, then they should get used to each other..

during the daytime how big is their run or yard space? If they have plenty of space to avoid each other its better. Have at least 2 (or more) feeding and watering places set up where they can't see each other. Have a few hiding places too.
its normal for ducks to fight a little, they are figuring out the 'pecking order'
but if there is blood or other injury get them separated right away.
Thank you for the reply! The older ones live outside in a large house/run. The littlest ones are about 5 weeks old now. My yard is large and they do seem to keep their distance unless my one older decides she wants to check them out or use their water. I have about 5 water bowls out and 2 food bowls so they aren't fighting for anything, but they're just spread throughout the yard. Would being able to see each other eating cause the dominant behavior? The only thing I only have one of is a pool for them so that is the only thing I see being contested but it's not a constant issue there.
I think they are too young to be together. At this age there is a big size difference. I would have them penned next to each other until they are closer in size. My youngest duckling is almost 9 weeks and I have spent the last week slowly integrating him. Are any of your older ones drakes? If so, you definitely do not want little females with them.
I think they are too young to be together. At this age there is a big size difference. I would have them penned next to each other until they are closer in size. My youngest duckling is almost 9 weeks and I have spent the last week slowly integrating him. Are any of your older ones drakes? If so, you definitely do not want little females with them.
Thanks for the reply! Both older are ducks and I'm trying to avoid drakes but idk what this batch will be. I agree the rouen and the khaki are quite a bit smaller, but the pekin is a good bit bigger. I think I will throw their pen outside to decide them when I let them out together. They seem to go longer without any head down charges over the past few days but I'm sure the pen will help. I'm not gonna permanent place then together for another few weeks.

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