Bullying or Pecking Order?


In the Brooder
Nov 24, 2022
Hey all!

First off, Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate!

So long story short, I have 7 bantams. 2 mottled Cochins, 1 frizzle Cochin, 1 Easter egger, 1 White crested black polish, and 2 Millie d’fluers. The EE and the WCBP are fairly new editions, and my two mottled’s really go after these two. Otherwise, they have integrated nicely with my flock. There hasn’t been blood, basically the mottled’s will corner either the EE or the WCBP, and grab a feather and just hold on for a few seconds. Couple feathers have been plucked here and there. It’s all very loud, and I’m nervous to keep them together unsupervised. The EE and the WCBP just run and hide from the mottleds and don’t really fight back at all. So I’m wondering if this is bullying or normal pecking order behavior? I did try separating the mottled’s for a week already to reset the order, and it seems the frizzle is taking charge but they still go after the new two. Should I be worried?
A feather or two being plucked wouldn't concern me, as long as there's no actual injuries and the picked on birds can eat and move around most of the time without issue.

Are there plenty of places for birds to hide/take cover behind if needed? Multiple feeders spread around so no one can guard all the food?
Yeah I’ve put out extra food and water and it doesn’t seem to make a difference. Everyone has plenty of space and places to hide, so I’m kind of just wondering if I should just wait it out. They never fight longer than a few seconds but the new ones are definitely leery of the two mottleds. It’s just a grab and hold, and sometimes the feather comes out
Yeah I’ve put out extra food and water and it doesn’t seem to make a difference. Everyone has plenty of space and places to hide, so I’m kind of just wondering if I should just wait it out. They never fight longer than a few seconds but the new ones are definitely leery of the two mottleds. It’s just a grab and hold, and sometimes the feather comes out
I'd keep an eye on things overall but nothing sounds alarming from that description.
It’s literally just the feather grabbing/hanging on/cornering that concerns me. If this sounds normal to everyone, then I’ll just let it happen until everyone is in their place.
It’s literally just the feather grabbing/hanging on/cornering that concerns me. If this sounds normal to everyone, then I’ll just let it happen until everyone is in their place.
The cornering is probably the only one that concerns me, but as long as the birds have access to clutter for hiding and the coop and run are large enough for the number of birds (i.e. birds can pass by each other without getting within ~5' of one another), I wouldn't sweat it.

Thread for reference on clutter (with direct link to my set up): https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/a-cluttered-run.1323792/page-6#post-25037140
The cornering is probably the only one that concerns me, but as long as the birds have access to clutter for hiding and the coop and run are large enough for the number of birds (i.e. birds can pass by each other without getting within ~5' of one another), I wouldn't sweat it.

Thread for reference on clutter (with direct link to my set up): https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/a-cluttered-run.1323792/page-6#post-25037140
Oh the clutter is an excellent idea! I’ll try that.
I'll also ask how old are they? If there is a difference in maturity my response will be a little different than if they are all the same level. Knowing how much room you have in the coop and run can help with suggestions. We always like photos that show how they tie together so we have a better understanding of what you have to work with.

I agree, the cornering has the most potential to cause harm but overall it doesn't sound that bad.

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