Hi! New to chickens over here and I just added a 11 week old pullet to my small flock with two other pullets around 12 weeks. They are all around the same size but the head hen is a little heavier. I am struggling with the head hen being mean to the new hen. I had the new one in a dog cage in the coop for a few days and her introduction to the coop outside of the dog cage went great with my third hen. But the head one won’t allow the new one near food and shakes her tail feathers/jumps at the new one anytime she comes near.
Is this normal behavior to establish the pecking order? Will this resolve in a couple of days or should I treat this like a bullying issue and separate the head hen for a few days? Thank you so much!
Is this normal behavior to establish the pecking order? Will this resolve in a couple of days or should I treat this like a bullying issue and separate the head hen for a few days? Thank you so much!