bumblefoot??? help please!!!

It looks like bumblefoot. Lots of good links and descriptions posted in reply to do home care for her. Wear gloves, be clean, work on a table outside that you can clean, or work on the ground on a towel that can be washed/bleached if you are concerned about getting the material on you. Gloves are always a good idea when working with wounds on livestock.

Ecoli has many many types, the one that you had is really unlikely to be what is in this foot. Ecoli isn't usually involved in bumblefoot anyway.

If you cook the eggs, any bacteria on or in the egg should be killed.

If you are really scared to do the home treatment yourself, get a chicken buddy to help you or take her to a vet. Bumblefoot hurts, and it won't go away without aggressive management, so yes- you need to worry about having her foot cleaned out and treated as soon as you can.


Okay. Yeah, that was a scab and it is most definitely bumblefoot. I washed the foot off, soaked it in warm salt water (only for about 20 sec though) and then I opened up the scab (was wearing gloves!!) and got as much junk out as I could. The swollen area is about the size of a golf ball or maybe a bit smaller. Should everything in it be taken out? There was a lot of bloody gooey stuff and I wasn't sure so I put Iodine on it and put her in a large dog crate with clean shavings. I am going to have my husband pick up some poultry antibiotic on the way home. I some have vet wrap I will put on it, but I need to go down to the old barn to get it.
Thanks so much....
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Tomorrow, soak her foot again in warm salt water for at least 20 minutes, it'll draw out the goop. With gloves on, squeeze it then put iodine on it, put a gauze on it with neosporin and wrap it up. It should start healing up in 2 or 3 days, but you can repeat as necessary.

I had my husband pick up some Duramycin-10 on the way home (I asked him to get either Lincomycin or Doxycycline but this is what he got- is there a difference?)
Sorry, I've never used those meds, only neosporin and triple antibiotic on occasion. I dont know anything about the others. Maybe someone else can help you out in that regard.
How is your chicken's foot doing? Did you give the oral antibiotics and the antibiotic cream? I just found one of my hen's has bumblefoot and I did soak it for just a tad bit and got some goop out of it....but I did not get all of it out. Should I have been able to get all of it out at once? There was some that seemed still attached....did this happen to you? Do you have her foot wrapped? I wrapped my hen's foot and she seems to be walking pretty good on it. Any suggestions? Thanks so much!

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