

In the Brooder
Sep 7, 2024
Can anyone tell me if this is the start of Bumblefoot? I got this Sapphire Gem at approximately 3 weeks old and I noticed a slight swelling in the pads of her feet. It’s not red but it looks like a dark spot in the middle. I can’t tell if it’s just the color of her feet or if it’s what you call the “kernel”.
It could be bumblefoot. Can you give us a more very clear picture of her feet?
The black dots are not raised or scabs. It’s under the skin. Her feet are smooth.
I have been soaking her feet in Epsom salts and applying triple antibiotic ointment. I have also been dabbing some peroxide on it twice a day. Is there anything else I should be doing for her?
I have been soaking her feet in Epsom salts and applying triple antibiotic ointment. I have also been dabbing some peroxide on it twice a day. Is there anything else I should be doing for her?
Yes! You should try this to help with pain and swelling ointment!
Good job with the soaking and antibiotic ointment!

It says for horses but works great on chickens!
Thanks so much for the advice. I will try it. I really don’t want to cut her foot open.
I never had to cut my chickens feet open all I did was take out the infection. Right now I'm treating 17 with bumble foot. If you need a video I can PM one to you.

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