

In the Brooder
May 1, 2024
So one of our girls has bumblefoot on both feet. We worked on the worse foot tonight. I got as much of the gunk out as I could, but I felt awful because it was not easy. She seemed to not really mind. Anyways- we got as much out, used the Vetericyn spray and I did put some neosporin on the gauze to wrap it up. Afterwards I read to not use the neospirin with the pain relief. That’s all I had. Can I just use the spray? Or can someone tell me what kind of ointment I can use when I clean and wrap her foot again tomorrow. I also read as long as they don’t take an antibiotic, eggs are still ok to eat- is that just for oral antibiotics, or would an antibiotic ointment count?

Thanks so much!
If you have betadine, mix that with plain white sugar and pack the foot with that and then bandage. Full instructions and video on sugardine here, post #8: https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/bumblefoot-not-healing.1443809/
No worries on egg withdrawl if you use sugardine.
I have had very good results with it on some very bad bumblefoot cases.
Over the counter antibiotic ointment won't affect egg use, the amount is very small. If you used something that was prescription strength it might be different. She will probably be fine, birds can react badly to pain medications sometimes, so that is why it's not recommended. You can use plain neosporin or plain triple antibiotic ointment. The spray will be fine for now, not being able to see the foot, I can't recommend further. Pictures are always welcome, if you aren't sure how it's healing, seeing would be helpful.
Thanks so much! I tried to get as much of the kernels out as possible, but I feel like I totally jacked up her foot. I told my husband that’s the best I could do, I felt so bad, but she literally didn’t even flinch. I wrapped it well and hoping the spray does its job. One of our girls had a nasty wound last year and the spray did wonders! I’ll take a photo when we clean:change the dressing tomorrow!

My question too, there may still be kernels in there, will it still heal ok? I didn’t want to keep digging!
Let her rest and recover some. If there is still gunk in there, then it will regenerate, it all has to come out for it to start healing. You can sometimes feel the small hard spots that indicate there may be more in there. It can sometimes take a fair amount of squeezing and manipulation to get it all out. Every foot is a little different, sometimes it may take several times to get it all cleaned out. The sugardine helps a lot to minimize the regeneration, it makes an environment that is not conducive to bacterial growth. If this was the first time you've done this, I know it can be stressful. If you need to clean it out again, get everything ready, and take your time. I wrap them in a towel like a burrito to hold their wings and lay them on their back, and put a lighter cloth over their face, they usually will lay pretty still for a while that way. I also have sterile saline and oral syringes and a roll of paper towels so I can flush the wound well and often, helps to be able to see what I'm doing in there. Sterilized tweezers or a curette can be helpful sometimes. I use a curette like this:
Thank you!! This is super helpful! I read some chickens have like stringy membranes on their feet and I think this girl did because I was like I cannot for the life of me get in there. I think I may have one of those instruments already but didn’t even think of it. I will also get some sterile saline! I tried to be as clean as possible with alcohol and sterilizing the tools I was using! Will report back in a few days!
I have a similar situation and am wondering if your infection went away without you having to remove the extra swollen areas left over after the core was removed…or did you have to go back in?
I removed the core but the lump around the core still seems hard and swollen, but theres no core left just layers of skin

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