Bump on Eyelid


In the Brooder
Apr 30, 2020
Barred Rock - acting normal. She's had it for a few days and it's been getting bigger. Pretty sure this is from her metal feeding dish, which I removed, or the chicken wire on the top of the bin I'm quarantining my two new chickens in. She keeps jumping up at it face first thinking I have treats.

We started putting some Neosporin on it today.

Any input on what it is, if not just an inflamed or infected little eyelid injury?
Ideas on how to get it to go away quickly?
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Not sure, could be fowl pox. Where are you , generally, in the world. Fowl pox is usually spread by mosquito's, so if those are active where you are, it could be that. If pox it will eventually darken and scab, the scab will eventually fall off. I've had birds get pox bad, and have had some only get one or two lesions like this. Most pox resolves on it's own with time, and the bird will be resistant to that strain once recovered. If it keeps getting worse, then maybe not pox. If it's an injury that is infected then it may need to be opened/lanced and cleaned out. Also possible it's a cyst or tumor.
We live in central Texas. She has been kept inside the week that we've had her too, not sure how long it takes fowl pox to form.
Here are some updated pictures. The BR has a few more and one on the other side of her face. My Buff who is quarantined with her also now has one. The Buff also has a sneeze but has tested negative for MG.

Addition: Also the BR was put on an eye drop antibiotic that didn't do anything.


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Those bumps look a lot more like pox to me. There isn't any treatment if it's pox, other than supportive care. Sometimes when they are around the eye like that then there can be a secondary bacterial infection in the eye, which the eyedrops would have likely treated or prevented.

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