Burford Brown

eggs size
A hybrid breed of Marans cookoo and Rhode Island
Feather colour: black with copper, ginger chest
Average body weight at 20 weeks: 1.650 kg
Average body weight of adult birds: 2.450 kg to 2.550 kg
Age at start of laying period: 21 weeks
Age at peak of laying period: 25 weeks
Hen housed performance to 72 weeks: 240-260 eggs
Peak of production: 90 % and more
Monthly mortality: 0.3 to 0.5 %
Average egg weight: 61 g
Egg shell colour: deep brown
Shell strength: excellent
The buriford also known as the type of Copper Maran, is a hybrid breed of Marans cookoo and Rhode

The hen has been developed to produce 240 to 260 medium sized eggs that are deep brown in colour, with excellent shell strength . should lay for 3 seasons

The improved hen is a distinctive hen with flame copper chest and neck feathers and will often have feathered legs, a sure sign of its genuine Maran heritage.
This season was a set back whith bird flue but the next generation will be whith one of the darkest egg breeders in Wales. The eggs will keep there coloure if on grass
Hi Gary
What sort of temperament do they have?
And do you have any female chicks currently to sell online or is that bot dobe?
This season was a set back whith bird flue but the next generation will be whith one of the darkest egg breeders in Wales. The eggs will keep there coloure if on grass

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