Burning (but trivial) question about feeders and waterers?

Our mean too, who was very nice until recently gets that way when he sees me. Cannot walk into the coop without something in my hand to keep him back. We are going to extend their run which I believe will calm him down. He is a beautiful Speckled Sussex and is not aggressive with the hens but he don’t like me. Has no issue with my husband.
I have the same issue. I usually use a broken rake handle or stick. I tried using a hoe but it makes him more mad, plus the red stuff in the yard. If I'm empty handed he'll stalk me and I have been sneak attacked at least 3 times.
I watched some YouTube lessons and you pretty much have to mount him, cage him in time out, or kill him. I haven't had the courage to do the 1st two or wanted to do the last one.
I'm surprised your SS is like that because I have only heard good things about them.
We have never used a net on any of them in coop 1 but Mr. Speckled Sussex is scarred if it. We have a second Speckled Sussex cockerel that is perfectly fine with me. They two get along fine with not fighting. I am feeling some kind away!
We have never used a net on any of them in coop 1 but Mr. Speckled Sussex is scarred if it. We have a second Speckled Sussex cockerel that is perfectly fine with me. They two get along fine with not fighting. I am feeling some kind away!
Maybe ill have to get a net and try it out.

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