bush stumps in run

are bush stumps dangerous in run?View attachment 3963055
They won’t be dangerous to the chicken but they could very easily result in you getting hurt. If you are going to have a large run and that only makes up 1/3-1/2 of the run then I personally wouldn’t remove them as I could just put feed and water on the other side but if that makes up the majority of the run then I would remove at least some of them.
I would personally go at it with one of these:

(cutter mattock) since there isn't really anything left to grab onto. But who's to say that I would't hurt myself more removing them than leaving them?! 😅

Welcome to BackYard Chickens! I hope your chicken run turns out just the way you and your chickens want it!
are bush stumps dangerous in run?

I don't think those bush stumps would present much of a problem to your chickens. More likely, any person in the run might trip over them if not paying attention.

Here are some ways I deal with stumps...

1) Pull them out with a pickup truck using a good chain.
2) Cut them out with a reciprocating saw and a long pruning blade. You can stick the pruning blade into the dirt without harming the reciprocating saw. You will dull the blade but think of it as an expendable for the job.
3) Shovel and axe work great, especially for small stumps like in your picture.
4) Put some boards or wire around the stumps and fill the area up with leaves and/or other litter. Just let the stumps rot out over a few years. Then they come out really easy. Plus, you will be making compost in the process.
5) Just leave the stumps alone if they don't cause any problems. No use to work yourself up if there is no problem in the first place.

Good luck.

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