Button Quail Information Request

Oh team edward: I email the button lady and she said for $20.00 you could get 45 Button Eggs including shipping and handling.

Or 45 Coturnix quail. She also has Silkies, Polish, D'uccle eggs for sale.
Can't remember what else?
I raise all of my animals with a purpose, to give me food, including my dog, so here's a question from an observer.

Why raise buttons?

I understand the cute factor, but are they used for anything other than company and something to occupy an empty cage?

I mean no insult to anyone when I ask this, but I raise chickens for eggs and meat, turkey for meat, pheasants for dog training and meat, quail for dog training and meat, and finally my dog to help me get some meat. Seeing a trend here?

The company these animals provide me is great but with the exception of the dog, I wouldn't hesitate to convert any of these living animals to a spot on my plate. Okay, maybe the turkeys would be a bit hard, cause they are pretty cool, but I think you get my drift.

She and I are going to start breeding them and sell them to Pet Stores. I already have a pet store lined out that is waiting to buy some Baby Buttons as soon as they hatch.
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Haha! The hovabator is a great incubator. I just hatched out crested swedish blue from my ladies. Great little ducklings
Babies are popping out everywhere
Button Quail, which are are NOT true button quail per se. They are Chinese Blue Breasted Quail. A great bird to clean up the mess in aviaries. No, they are not meat birds, but their beauty tells all. They are great little birds.
Well, I'm raising them purely for pets. They are tiny little things, no one in their right mind would try to eat one, there would be nothing there. They are, however, really amusing to watch.

I think taking care of any living thing, animal or plant, enriches your soul on more than one level.
How many Buttons do you have Dennimi?
I have 3 males and only 2 females, My grown pair and then I hatched out 3 babies and 2 were males and there is one lil' male, Buddy, that is kind of friendly so he will be my house pet!
The other two can be another breeding pair!
Thanks for the answers. Sounds like some are doing it for enterprise, clean-up, and pets. Much appreciated.

I can understand the enrichment from raising something from seed or egg. Just trying to figure out the end uses folks have for these little guys.

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