Button quail still not laying!!!

Are you giving them their calcium? Mine nearly stopped laying when I forgot their calcium supplement and began laying again as soon as I gave them some crushed egg shells.

It could have been a coincidence, but just putting it out there. I'm not an expert, but wanted mention it.
Oh, ok.
I'm not sure if that will be too dim or not. That's why I asked if you could read in the light. If you can read, then it should be enough light. If you can't, then they will need more light.
I can kind of. But not always.
Def a sunlight issue. I would add an artificial light and add some oyster grit to their feed just in case they need a calcium boost. I’m not a fan of taking care of things that aren’t serving a purpose. Things must pay their way at my home farm. In my opinion they haven’t done enough to take the winter off lol
Def a sunlight issue. I would add an artificial light and add some oyster grit to their feed just in case they need a calcium boost. I’m not a fan of taking care of things that aren’t serving a purpose. Things must pay their way at my home farm. In my opinion they haven’t done enough to take the winter off lol

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