Buttons Broody Bantam hatch-a-long


Ich bin der knopfe
Sep 11, 2020
Hello :D. Is is Cheerio the bantam Cochin.

She’s 2 years old and this will be her first time hatching eggs, but she raised some chicks last year and was a great mom.

I have 10 eggs under her, mostly blue nes from my EEs but some brown ones that’ll be mixed. Anyway, today is day 4 and I’m planning to candle for the first time tomorrow.
It’s day 7. I candled today, 9 developing well as far as I can tell. A couple of them are too dark to get a good look, but I’m pretty sure. The tenth one is outside the nest and broken, and eaten. I think I saw somewhere that the hens can tell if an egg is bad, and will push it out of the nest? Would she eat it too?
This is why I shouldn’t start threads. I never update them.

Well, something happened to some of the eggs, I think one of the hens crushed them, there’s now only four, and it is day 20. I’m going to go out this morning and listen for internal pips.

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