They have poor clearance. Much snow and your pushing it instead of driving on it
Yah. As far as I'm concerned one of ours is modified to go super low, and the other could probably deal with a bit of snow.

I live in a desert. Chances are whether here or in CA, I won't be dealing with much snow.
Ooohh I got a jeeeepp
I had a 1980 grey CJ5 once. I'd take another one in a heartbeat
Nice! I love Jeeps they are just awesome!
But it's not too late for you
I'm planning on a suburban once I start having kids lol,
You've never tried to drive one on our gravel roads that they don't plow when it snows.
Our mini van does well, and ours are rarely plowed
White wrangler
Nice! I want a wrangler but in....
Bikini blue

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