BYC Café

Good morning Cafe. Coffee is ready.

It's pea soup thick fog out ATM. Waiting for that to clear before getting the girls out for a much needed run.

Piper was favoring her hind right foot when I got home from work yesterday. She seems fine this morning. She and Bella probably got too rough playing. Hence the need for the run to get some of the energy burned off.
Hubby got the incoming water part of the shower plumbing done no problem.

Cutoffs! Yay! For when something breaks or needs to be replaced in 10 years. Pex made it easy to get the crossed line fix (hot-cold mistake in copper in the basement)

The outgoing water (drain), however, is going to be his last plumbing project. It is a total PITA. He said after that, he is done with plumbing.
I've lateral flow tested positive 4 times for Covid in the last year.
The first time around Covid kicked my arse; not bed ridden but not a happy chappy.
Second time it was like a bad cold.
Third time I only bothered to test because I was feeling a bit rough and was going to dinner with my family.
The last time I hardly noticed it and again only tested because I was going to see family.
I could have got better at avoiding it. I could be getting a lighter viral load each time. It could be my imune system knows the enemy now and gets on the case with the right stuff quick time.:confused:
I caught the flu last Christmas and that was a real fecker. That did put me on my back and in hospital for a day.

I had the first three Covid vaccinations but don't bother with them any more.
I've been advised by a doctor not to have the current flu vaccination because I've recently aquired shingles.:rolleyes: It's not fun. I got it around my eye and apparently it's at the back of my eye.:( I looked like something from a zombie video game for a while until the scabs fell off. I've got scars from it.
I'm eight weeks into shingles now. It's still there. Apart from the headaches and my skin in the affected area feeling like there is a peice of wet tissue between it and my skull it's really messed up my sleep pattern and that seriously pisses me off. I used to be able to sleep on a clothes line for 9 hours straight; a couple of hours is the best I can manage now.
I've had to completely changed my diet (probably not a bad thing) and I've lost possibly my two main redeeming qualities, my patience and my sense of humour.
Get the shingles shot!

AMEN to everything you said about the shingles.

I am in my 28th week with my shingles that is around my right eye.

The pain was atrocious at first - it felt like someone had hold of my face and was twisting it.

I felt like I was losing it.

My sleep has gone from all night to a few interrupted hours per night.

I stay very tired.

You have my sympathy as I know how you feel.

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