BYC Café

Coffee is ready.
I'm on my way to the vet with Piper.
I didn't know why this suddenly happened. She was zooming the trails with Bella yesterday. I had caught her eating string algae that I threw into the lawn after pulling from the pond. I can't see that causing this.
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I threw it into the lawn all last year too.
Just left the vet. She has HGE, just as I thought.
She was jumping up trying to get at Bella's food when I fed her on the deck this morning. She never acted like she was in severe distress. Uncomfortable, yes. If she had been, this would have been a middle of the night run to Cornell.

She got 225 mls of IV fluid at our regular vet. The vet also injected a dose of famotidine into the IV. She's now acting more energetic. She'll start her metronidazole when we get home. I'll cook a batch of bland diet for her to start tomorrow. And I'll have to shift my schedule out... Again.
I would love to know.
She does eat just about every GD thing she can get her mouth on. The vet suggested a basket muzzle. I might do that.
So it's from something she ate/eats, rather than a genetic condition?

I assume from the meds that it's a bacterial infection?
Good morning Cafe! Thanks for the coffee DL.

That's scary! HGE is no fun, but at least you have a diagnosis. I am always worried about blue-green algae poisoning this time of year, so I am grateful for you that it wasn't that! Hope Piper gets better quickly!

It's a more cloudy day here. I'm busy writing my thesis - defence is scheduled for August and I'm off to sea again the end of this month for a couple weeks for some whale research.
So it's from something she ate/eats, rather than a genetic condition?

I assume from the meds that it's a bacterial infection?
It's a bad bacterial overgrowth. Her gut flora gut knocked out of whack and the bad bacterias attack the intestinal lining, . It's can be caused by eating something very covered in bad bacteria or a weak immune system.
With Piper, I'm leaning towards the former.

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