BYC Café

Good morning Cafe. Coffee is ready.

I get major points for NOT doing what I wanted to do. Hit him with the hose as soon as he was in range just to scare the snot out of him because I knew he hadn't seen me when he came home! I could have. I never ever get credit for the shenanigans I DON'T commit, just grief over the ones I do. It's just not fair.
Yep, major points, but they are negative. Should have soaked him. No one comes anywhere near me when there's a hose in my hand.
It's already pushing 80. The dogs were panting after a less than 10 minutes in the fields. So I made my way straight to the creek. I went ahead and waded in because the water is so low and Bella was already walking around in there but she never ever swims.
Piper has always waded in just to get her legs wet. But I walked out into the creek until it was almost to my shorts and turned to see that Piper had swum out with me! What a big girl! I walked back to the beach and when Piper got up close enough, Bella dunked her!
'George' gets blamed for a lot, but it's really the alter egos acting up.
Actually the agitator is 'Geordie' not George. In college I was nicknamed Geordie. When we went for our marriage license, and I told the clerk my name, the Princess said, "Your name is George?" The clerk looked at her and asked, "How long have you known him?"

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