BYC Café

Piper watching' duty
She never showed any sign of illness or distress. And she crapped out all the charcoal I gave her.
C took Bella to the fields for a run because at that time, I wasn't comfortable letting Piper blast all over the place at top speed. She was not at all happy about being left behind.
Good morning Cafe. Coffee is ready.
It's a beautiful 57F morning. I go back to work today.

A close friend of mine, J, also goes to doctor #2, Dr. Bennett. J has been seeing Bennett for probably 2 decades now. He sent him an email explaining what happened to me with the support staff of doctor #1 and asked him to help me any way he could. I hope that he will get me right in as soon as his office gets authorization. J said it should take about a week from the initial consult before they call to schedule. :fl
Storm coming through. Just knocked out our power. Crap.
I saw the dire wind warning, "take cover NOW", for Muskegon .....Hang in there!
It's headed south to hit here around 10.
As is always the case it seems, she was a really good hen. Always calm when I picked her up and she was one of the smart ones that would fly up to a board so she was out of the throng when raisins were being doled out.

I haven't really prepared a meal in about 3 weeks. It hurts to stand for too long. So for breakfast today I had 3 dates and a handful of sweet cherries. And of course, a huge mug of coffee. Should go without saying.

I went outside for some reason and found the pond down about 5-6". I found the screen shielding the bog outlet (and enclosed moving bed Helix waterfall filter) was plugged. I removed it and shored up the bog liner further then went ahead and did the bi-monthly cleaning of the settling tank. I saw a juvenile goldfish fly in on the second tank filling so I quickly pulled the cord on the sludge pump and closed the knife valve on the tank. So much pond bottom crud had already entered the tank I couldn't see the goldfish.

So I had to bail out the damn tank 2 gallons at a time with a little bucket. I scooped out about 24 gallons before I could finally see the little bugger. Netted him out and tossed him back into the pond and finished things up to get the pond running again.

Went back into the house to find... cracked open cherry pits all over Bella's bed. Great. Cherry pits have amygdalin which is converted to cyanide in the body. The amount of amygdalin varies greatly depending on the kind of cherry pit eaten. I read that the sweet cherries have the least amount.

I still gave Piper a dose of 3% hydrogen peroxide to try to get her to vomit. 1 hr later, nothing. I stuffed 1.5 g of activated charcoal down her throat and called the vet. He's out of town on an emergency.

So I've been on 'Piper watching' duty for the past 6 hours looking for signs she's ingested a toxic dose. She has been utterly normal, bouncing all over the place, playing with me and her sister like a maniac. I'll be on high alert with her all damn day.

Sometimes I just want to throttle her. I don't need this stress.

None of us need the stress when we're dealing with our own problems.

I can't stand to cook because of my back pain.

I sit on a rolling stool and use my oven as a prep station.

This works quite well and I have small cutting boards that I use on the shelf.

I make do the best I am able.

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