BYC Café

I decided to let Savannah have a shot at being a mom. Astrid will be put in the breaker tomorrow if Savannah finally settles down and gets on the wet nest. She lost her marbles when I dropped her into the ward and ran out to the ward run screaming and carrying on like a loony.

I still haven't cleaned the coop for the year. I'm a month late. I need help with the shoveling over of the hot pile of chicken crap and layering it in with the old shavings. I kept getting blown off every time someone was supposed to help me.

But I did clean the maternity ward room today so I could put fresh shavings in the ward along with a freshly built wet nest.

I was banging and slapping the nest boxes, scrubbing all the surfaces down with a scrub brush to loosen the dust then leaf blowing the dust through the coop with the added help of the window box fan. Those 2 broodies held tight and never left the nest box when every other bird that was curious and watching what I was doing hightailed it when the leaf blower fired up.
Good Evening, Cafe’

Well, my day did not go as I had hoped it would. After a fast, hard 3” of rain last night, our sump pump could not keep up. I did not realize that, of course, until about 8:00 this morning one carpeted bedroom and half of my newly-installed in March vinyl plank flooring was wet. I used my carpet scrubber to extract as much as I could out of the carpet. Where it was coming up between the planks when I stepped on them, I used the Shop Vac to (hopefully) get as much as I could out of the seams. We have the floor heat on, a/c running, and several fans blowing on floors. The carpet seems to continue to get wet after sitting for a bit. I’m hoping it’s not groundwater somehow seeping in through the concrete. If it is, I don’t know what to do.

We have received over 15.5” of rain since mid April. On the bright side, it’s safe to say the drought is over!
Good morning Cafè. Coffee is ready.

I had the worst bout of insomnia last night. Nothing I did would make me sleepy enough to doze off. I finally drifted off at about 4:30 then woke up at 6.
The doctor's office that has screwed up getting my injection authorized or correctly submitting appeal forms, I believe the total is now 8 times going for 9, is now refusing to refill my pain medication prescription. I told the receptionist when I was there, so that they could record it in my file, that I was not taking 300 mg 3x a day that was prescribed, but instead 600 mg 3x times a day because the 300 wasn't touching the pain. So now they're refusing to fill the prescription because I'm taking more than what was prescribed. Even though it is very common practice to prescribe 900 mg 3x a day to control nerve pain.
I now have a referral to a different orthopedic surgeon. I'm calling as soon as the office opens.
Thanks for the coffee!
DL, I hope the new doc helps!
Bobbi-j, I really hope it is not coming up from the ground and everything dries out quickly!
Aart, you are welcome to come with us on our camping trip to Phoenix. We will be down by a river but I think you would appreciate your 80s when you get back!
Have fun, Café!

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