BYC Café

off to a mammogram
Good luck! Report back with the "all clear, see ya next year" result.

We hit 95. Barf! I need to move to Alaska.

I was very concerned about my setting broody because I shut her in this morning. She has a full water bottle hanging right over her nest but no food.

She was fine when I got there but part of her wet nest had sprouted! I pulled it out and fed it to her then tossed her off for a break.

While I was cleaning the boards, Fabio went into the ward and called in Amelia and Astrid. The ladies proceeded to start pulling her nest apart! I reached in and grabbed the first tail I could and hauled Amelia out. Then hauled Astrid out by her tail. Fabio had the good sense to come out on his own.

I think this kind of attention to the wet nest could very well be what broke one of her eggs.

She is back on and locked in. I'm going to candle tonight if I still have the energy then...

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