BYC Café

I just got the call from the new providers office. I'm scheduled to get my shot this coming Tuesday morning. My weekend just got a whole lot better!
They accomplished in 8 days what the previous office was unable to accomplish in 2.5 months.
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Good morning Cafe. Coffee is ready.

We have a nice soft rain falling now. I have the glass door open so I can listen to it while I sip my coffee and catch up here.

Sis and I are heading out to our parents grave this morning to bury Skittles. I'm taking her to Bostwick's Antique Mall on the way home. They have a nice little diner in the mall where I'll treat her to breakfast. Then I want to peruse the wares. I am going to sell off a bunch of my Amish made furniture in favor of some antique pieces with more character to warm up my house. I also want to find some cut glass plates to use as plant saucers for some of the new plants I saved and repotted.
Only went down to 70 last night, now raining on and off, it's cloudy, foggy..... and damp, everything is just ickysticky.
Supposed to get up to 85 later, yuk.
Cooler tonight and tomorrow.

Found the other broody in a nest last night, put her on the roost and she was out and about this morning, but I expect to find her nested gain tonight.
Hello, Cafe’!

It’s been a bit. Lots going on. DH left on Thursday to go help DS1 work on his house. They’re remodeling the 100+ year old house that was built when her dad’s ancestors homesteaded the farm.

My perennial broody, Broody Betty (aka Rutebaggie) is finally at it. I just set her with 12 eggs. She’s in a bigger nest box, so hopefully she doesn’t break them getting in and out of the box.

I hope you’re all having a most wonderful weekend!

I'm having a great weekend! I went to Chickenstock 2024 in Lansing, MI. Very small group; some of the usual peeps weren't there. Good food (I'm getting the recipe for cucumber salad that was so good, it's going to be hard for me to leave a taste for hubby tomorrow), good company.

Tomorrow will be a work-a-lot in the garden day. Cooler, drier air.
Good morning Cafe. Coffee is ready.

My sister and I stopped on our way out for our planned adventures for a nice coffee and shared a German chocolate donut.

We got Skittles buried despite the rain. We had to find our parents unmarked grave by using the GPS coordinates. But by the time we got back to the car, we were thoroughly soaked.

Brunch was nice in the diner in the antique mall. My raincoat that I hung on the chair next to me had dripped such a puddle of water they thought the roof was leaking and the waitress came over and mopped.

I found a very cute old wood stool that I am using for a plant stand.
And a neat old Baldwin Burlington VT ice cabinet.

I'm going back for it when they open tomorrow. I can use the top of the cabinet where the ice used to go as my file cabinet and store various office supplies, etc. in the lower section. It looks awesome and will take up less spec with more storage for me in my kitchen.

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