BYC Café

Good Afternoon!

Glad I went outside yesterday, as it’s blowing like crazy here today. We have a lot of trees around our place, and after the derecho that went through a couple of years ago, winds still bring down trees and branches. Sometimes I wonder if we’ll ever know the extent of the damage done to the trees. There is a possibility of storms later today. I have decided it’s a good day to do inside stuff. Like clean out a closet, or get brave and try to figure out how to set up and run my new freeze dryer.

I hope you all have a great day!

DL, 🤞🏻that your injection works the first time.
Will you know right away if the shot works?
I would think so.
Not necessarily. They numb you up first so that has to wear off.
Sometimes it takes a couple of days before you know.
Then only time will tell for how long it lasts.
There are so many unknowns with this procedure. Some people get shot after shot after shot to maintain them. If the pain-free time gets less and less with each subsequent injection, I would think cutting off the piece of ruptured disc that is pressing on the nerve would be the logical next step.
wondering if my old(oldest are 5-6yo) girls are just gonna slow down sooner in the year than when younger.
I have a 4 y/o who was the last to start up this spring and has already decided to go on hiatus, I think. She has distinctive eggs -- the smallest of any of them -- and I haven't seen one in over a week.
calls me a pessimist. I choose to regard this thinking as that of a realist.
I'm right there with ya!
Good morning Cafè. Coffee is ready.

I have the flock on lock down. Due to... English sparrows! They were an annoyance last year. This year it's become a real infestation because they've all taught their offspring how to find an easy meal. My birds won't do a thing to drive them off either.

I had a bird screen up that took my chickens forever to figure out but it wouldn't hang correctly and kept splitting open and the flying mice just flew right in. So I fixed the screen door and the chickens got the hang of it now that they aren't terrified of it any longer but the sparrows would watch them and figured out how to hop down onto the door "threshold" and go UNDER the screen. I went out there 2 days ago in the afternoon to find at least 30 sparrows trapped in the run and tiny bird shit EVERYWHERE! So I left my flock locked in yesterday and only let them out around 7 after I'd come home from work and mowed the lawn.

I'm going to have to continue this way for at least a week. Savannah is getting anxious to bring her chicks out but she needs more room than the run provides and the chicks won't be able to push the screens apart. What a pain.
I forgot to share this yesterday...

That is a snake skin I pulled out of the stream going into the pond. It's about 2.5' long. I'd pulled a much smaller one out of one of the pond plants about a month ago. Obviously from a different snake.

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