BYC Café

Thank you for asking. The swelling is still there, but I’ve been on my feet all weekend - the family was all home,(minus one grandkid and one DIL). Fortunately, it isn’t painful. Or maybe that’s unfortunate because I don’t feel the need to slow down and rest. Anyway, the area that has been painful is getting better. It hurts less frequently and less intensely, so I’m hopeful that it’s healing.
Hopefully, you will be on the mend soon.
I'm not so sure. She was intimidated by a large mushroom once. 🤔
Good morning Cafe. A fresh pot of coffee has been brewed.

Piper had another run in with the bullfrog last night. He was sitting about 2 feet from the bottom of the deck stairs staring off into the backyard. She danced around him about 4 times before I finally got her to leave him alone then she found a much smaller frog in out in the yard to dance around.:rolleyes: Maybe that was what the bullfrog was staring at.
EVERY little thing will distract her from taking care of business. It takes so long to get her to relieve herself.

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