Just came in for dinner as it is already getting dark here. Brought a fresh pot to share
One big coop cleaned and ready, and to my horror the other one had mites under the roosts too, but I just used my blow torch on them and the big clean out will have to wait until tomorrow.
Very sorry that you are still in such pain @DobieLover
Thank you @Mtn Margie Today was fine although overcast but breezy which helped to dry the roosts and the pond liner that I use for the poop boards.I hope that you had decent weather for the mite war, LF!
Indeed, they are!Mites are/have been such a PITA this year!
One big coop cleaned and ready, and to my horror the other one had mites under the roosts too, but I just used my blow torch on them and the big clean out will have to wait until tomorrow.
Very sorry that you are still in such pain @DobieLover