BYC Café

Thanks, Sour! I could use some. It seems hot in the sun but the breeze has a crispness to it. I dug up my basil plant and brought it into the house. DH and I spent the morning with some of our neighbors, staining handmade log picnic tables and benches. They are ready for the elements.
My doc appt friend went down for an MRI to check to see if she has a fractured hip. Her DH took her because I was thinking it all seems very strange that the docs seem nonchalant about a fractured hip... :confused:
Good afternoon everyone!

A freshly brewed pot is on the counter to share :caf

I am sitting here taking a little coffee brake from the second big mites clean out. Everything is already clean (thanks to my industrial vacuum cleaner) and pressure washed now drying in the sun before I will have to reassemble all the stuff and bring it back into the coop.
Still about two hours to go until I can let the chickens back in 🤪
Good morning Cafè and thanks for the coffee Sour and LF.
I'm starting to feel better so I'm spending a whole lot less time sitting on a couch whining about my condition and surfing the web.

Out with the girls right now for a run and have a full day planned! We'll see what the leg says about that.
So glad you're feeling better, @DobieLover!

Today we're going to a 'smores party at the neighbor's, hosted by my "neighbor who had a heart attack." She tried to do this a year ago, as a way to get everyone on the road (all 6 houses' worth) together and also to meet "the new people" who had moved in. There was never a day when everyone could be there, and especially the new people, who travel extensively, so it never happened.

So I am really happy that we can all go today. I think it means a lot to Jamie (the hostess). The weather is even going to cooperate!
Was very foggy this morning, which seemed to enhance the sound of the raucous but short lived crowing from who knows where and the odor of the local pot harvesting(almost smells like skunk).
Now full sun out warming us to high 80's, more rain moves in tomorrow bringing much cooler temps.

Have heard that crowing for the last week or so, I liked hearing it but this was much closer and louder, then it abruptly stopped. Wondered if someone nearby now has chickens or it's a dumped bird wandering into it's demise. <shrugs>

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